Cari Blog Ini
Jumaat, Ogos 31, 2007
'Merdeka ni, kita tak boleh nak nafikan, merdeka, tetap merdeka. Cuma sini saya nak kasik satu perumpamaan; Cuba bayangkan kereta yang hak baru nih, kereta ape? Perodua Kelisa? Bukan, Perodua.. Perodua Viva. Bayangkan Perodua Viva. Ada yang hak RM 42 ribu, yang RM 35 ribu, yang ada aksesori, yang tak ada aksesori, yang ada aksesori, tapi sikit je. Lepas tu cuba bayangkan kereta Viva yang dah terbakar, tersadai kat tepi jalan. Macam kereta Viva tadi, walopun yang hak terbakar tepi jalan tu, nama dia tetap Viva kan? Yang hak RM 42 ribu tu, name die Viva jugak. Macam tu lah istilah Merdeka. Kita tak boleh nafikan, ye? Ada setengah orang cakap 'Oo.. kita masih lagi dijajah! Belum merdeka!'. Tak boleh, tak boleh kata macam tu. At least kita terima aje status yang ada. Kalau ada yang perlu diperbaiki, kita perbaiki step by step..'
Ust Wan Sohor Bani Leman
'Adakah Kita Merdeka?'
Lambat pergi Grand Munajat malam tadi. Tak sempat nak join tahlil and bacaan Yassin pun. Sampai-sampai da Azan Isya'. Lepas solat terus denga forum. Lame tak denga Ust Wan Sohor cakap life. Last sekali masa kat Matric kot? Kat TV selalu je die keluar. Tapi lain, dengar life lagi best =).
Lepas forum tu ada makan-makan. Lepas makan ada munajat sampai kol 12. Lpas tu sujud syukur. Tapi aku lepas makan balik, tapi singgah grand stair yang sangat tak jauh dari masjid. Tengah-tengah orang bermunajat, kat grand stair ada benda yang sangat berbeza. Kat tangga tu penuh. Penuuuuuuhhh dengan gadis-gadis duduk, bersorak setiap kali konvoi kereta, motor dan lori lalu kat depan derang. Ntah lah.
Tak tunggu pun sampai detik 12 malam. Pukul 11.50 ajak dak dak ni balik. Sampai lepas lalu Economics, nampak bunga api, sayup dari puncak Genting. Cantik. Layan jap nengok dalam 10 minit. Ada biru.. ada kuning.. ada merah.. hehehehe =p
Da kol 4.11 da nih. Patut nye skang tgh besiap-siap nak balik. Bas kol 6.30. Huu.. Tengah nak edit 'Jom Ingat' lagi nih. Payah tol. Tah cemane tah archive boleh tak appear kat blogspot nih. Mula-mula nak gak pakai macam SpeakOutLout pakai. Ade drop down, nampak cam kemas sikit. Tapi bukak source die, waaaaa... pusing-pusing mata. Tak faham ar. Hehe. Terpakse la gune conventional punye cara. Bukak kawan lama nye blog, Aziah, die pun zaman dulu punye blog gak. (yang 'x' kiri kanan bulan tu, die punye trademark. Sorry ah aziah, tak sempat nak tuka. Nanti-nanti la aku tuka. Ko pun tak bace blog aku lagi kan? ko bukan tau pun. hehe) Tepakse copy macam arhive dia, lepas tu edit satu-satu tuka azamkukuh punye archive. Isk. So, sampai seawal bulan October 2003 je boleh (sebenanye ada sampai bulan Februari 2003) dan se latest bulan May 2007 je. Nanti-nanti la plak sambung. Alhamdulillah, berjaya jugak buat. Da tak faham da html skang, da tak ingat. Boleh je ubah terus skin, tapi skin ni nostalgia, ni la skin sejak Februari 2003. He.
Balik kampung dulu... Jumpa lagi..
Khamis, Ogos 30, 2007
Dekat seminggu tak tulis blog. Banyak bende berlaku seminggu nih. Tapi banyak da tak ingat detail die. HUuu..
Terimalah apa yang masih ada dalam hard disc (otak) apa-apa yang berjaya dirakam oleh deria-deria penglihatan, pengdengaran, bau dan rasa...
18 Ogos 2007
Sukan Tahunan Pertama KAFA Ibtida'iah Masjid Zakaria. Masjid Zakaria, dekat je masjid ni, dekat dengan medan makan 'kubur' yang femes di kalangan student UIA. Aku kenal masjid ni bila ramai kawan yang ke masjid ni untuk solat terawih mase bulan puasa. Sebab apa? Sebab setakat ni, masjid ni la yang paling pantas dalam menghabiskan 8 rakaat terawih - pukul 9.15 da abes; tatkala masjid UIA dan surau-surau dalam UIA banyak yang abes 8 rakaat pukul 9.30 - 9.40.
Tapi tu bukan ceritanya, seminggu sebelum hari ni (18 Ogos), Nadiah telefon aku tanye aku nak join ke tak program derang kat masjid tu. Rupe-rupenye derang kelas skill Community Service dan buat program macam ni lah assignment dan exam derang.
Malam tadi (17 Ogos) ada miting kat masjid tu, bincang pasal perjalanan program sukan tu nanti. Tak semena-mena aku disuruh jadik host sukan tu nanti. Uhh.. Boleh ke? Aku tgh selsema.. Boleh? Hmm.. Lama bincang perjalanan sukan tu, sampai kol 11 baru abes bincang. Balik, singgah makan kat simpang (depan SBPI), sampai uia kol 12. Tidur, esoknya nak ada dekat masjid kol 7.30 pagi.
Majlis perasmian bermula agak tepat pada waktunya, VIP pun datang on time. Pukul 8.40 start majlis, ucapan ketua guru, ADUN GOmbak Setia, pegawai-pegeawai mana lagi tah. Pukul 9.15 start la sukan. Lama tak jadi host sukan. Last sekali jadi masa sukaneka ANTRAXX Comrade dekat Janda Baik setahun lepas. Time tu handle abang-abang dengan kakak-kakak senior COmrade. Payah nak jaga, senior susah ikot kate. Hehe. Tapi sonok. Kali ni jaga adik-adik darjah 1 sampai darjah 6. Sonok. Adik-adik ni sporting. Time acara terbuka, open sape nak masuk, sume orang angkat tangan. Time aku hulur microphone tanye-tanye kat derang, sume berebut nak jawab. Hehe.
Sukan abes pukul 1.00 lebih. Kemas-kemas. Makan-makan. Kol 3 baru balik UIA. Penat. Tapi seronok =).

Demam yang bersilih ganti
Cuaca sekarang tak tentu. Kejap panas terik, kejap hujan lebat. Pagi-pagi selalu sejuk sangat. Selalu selsema. Malam tadi pun da terasa demam lagi, tapi bile g Convest Hill hilang plak demam. Hehe. Kelas pun banyak tuang seminggu nih. FDC. GEN. Aircraft Structure. DS. Skang ni sume subjek kecuali Aircraft Structure da lengkap 2 kali aku tak datang untuk sem nih. Hu.
Convocation Fiesta (CONVEST)
Start hari Jumaat ke Khamis ari tu? Khamis kot 23 hb. Stall dekat Convest Hill tak bape banyak taun nih. Tapi tahun ni la aku paling banyak habis duet kat situ. Hehe. Malam tadi je (28 Ogos) habis RM 100 lebih. Huhu. Mula-mula bila eh aku beli? Hmm.. Hari Sabtu. G ngan husen mase tu. Apsal aku g ngan husen eh? Hehe. Ade ape eh mase tu? Tak ingat da, tp mmg g jalan-jalan dengan husen. Beli Ar-Rahiq Al-Makhtum (The Sealed Nectar). Melayu punya, Sirah Nabawiyah, YADIM terbitkan. Beli dekat gerai Anak-anak Perak, Kedah dan Penang. Murah. RM 50. Tinggal satu je plak tu mase aku beli. Hehe. Alhamdulillah dapat. Sebelum ni ingat nak beli English Version, The Sealed Nectar, Darussalam keluarkan, tapi da jumpa translation Melayu yang bagus nih, beli lah dulu.

Lagi beli buku 20 Persoalan Asas Palestin. Ustaz Maszlee tulis. Nipis je. RM 7.

Tamat untuk hari tu. Hari semalam plak, bli lagi buku. 'Life is an Open Secret'. Hari tu mase balik rumah mase weekend sebulan lepas, ade terbace review buku ni dalam paper. Bekas student UIA author dia. Pastu plak ramai figure antarabangsa yang review buku dia ni; Sheikh Yusuf Estes, Mike Handcock, Ummahfilms pun ade review. Dasat. Buku koleksi cite pendek pasal motivation. Bile tah nak bace. Beli je dulu. Lagi pun ade promotion, beli buku tu dapat paper beg buku tu jugak. Hehe. RM 20.

Malam tadi jugak beli baju melayu. Konon nak beli macam baju Raihan tu (yang butang sampai bawah, macam kemeja). Ajak husen, tolong nengok-nengok. Last-last bli benda lain plak. Beli dua pulak tu. Satu baju macam baju tabligh yang labuh paras lutut. Wane coklat mude. He. RM 37. Satu lagi bli baju melayu bese, tapi ade kerawang-kerawang pada dada. Uuu.. RM 48. 'Ni boleh buat baju raye ni husen.. cantik..' Hehe. Pakai bawak g teraweh ah nanti. He.
TOtal = RM 162. Banyak. Huhu.
Tak boleh pegi lagi lah Convest nih. Kalo pegi mesti ade bende nak beli. Heh. Macam-macam ade kat Convest nih. Makanan, baju, seluar, tudung (temasuk yang dijual kat gerai 'World of Tudung 60" ', hehe, cam best je name gerai die), jubah, aksesori, kete ade, buku, magazines, sume ade lah! Sebut je. Orang pun macam-macam ade. Cafe mahalah sume tutup time COnvest, sume orang bertumpu kat sini. Semalam makan kat Convest ngan husen pun, nengok orang lalu-lalang, ya Allah, macam-macam jenis orang ade. Tinggi pendek, lawa tak lawa, kemas selekeh, yang bagus yang tak bagus, yang bekapel yang solo yang jalan dengan geng ramai, yang sedar diri yang tak sedar diri (if you know what I mean), sume ade. Teringat pepatah Jepun yang da selalu aku sebut dalam blog ni, 'Jinsei iro iro, hito sore zore' - dunia berbagai-bagai, manusia pelbagai ragam. Naseb baik malam ni closing. Hehe. Tapi tak leh g, ade skill gamelan.
Sementara tu, time tengah tengah Convest nih, Nadiah lagi sekali ajak satu lagi program kelas skill dia. Kat masjid tu jugak. Kali ni program motivasi untuk student UPSR, PMR, dan SPM. Dia suh aku jadik MC lagi. Start kol 2 petang hari Ahad. Ade ceramah motivasi. Pastu petang tu kol 5 sampai kol 6.15 ade LDK. Jadi fasi. Hehe. Tak pernah do jadik fasi. Pernah ke? Fasi ajo fardhu ain kat orang asli pernah la. Fasi untuk dak-dak nak exam ni tak pernah ar. Teringat kata Cikgu Dani 'Diri sendiri tak terjaga, nak jaga diri orang. Macam? Macam? Macam bagus-bagus, pelajar,'. Hehe. Tapi takpe, kite share aje la ape yg kite boleh share kat derang. Ade 5 group UPSR, 3 PMR, 1 SPM. Dapat jaga UPSR. 5 orang satu group. Comeeeeelll derang. Geram aku. Bagus pun bagus. Ingat lagi tak nama derang? Mamat nak jadik doktor, afiq pun, amirul nak jadik akitek, huda dengan nina nak jadik pramugari. Hehe. Modul? Terpulang pada fasi. Aku guna benang mase nak memperkenalkan diri, lilit-lilit benang pada jari sambil memperkenalkan diri. lepas tu orang seterusnya amek benang yang sama, sambung lilit kat jari dia, dan sterusnya, macam aku experience masa ikot DRIC COmrade dekat Pos Sg Rual. Best. Derang gelak-gelak mase nih. Comel je derang gelak (mase tertekan jugak, tertekan fikir macam mana nak buat modul interesting, yang boleh make them happy). Lepas tu borak-borak pasal UPSR.. minggu depan 3/9 nih start. Lepas tu next modul, suh derang lukis rumah idaman derang. Nak rumah yang macam mana. Dasat-dasat gak idea derang, bagus. Pastu da abes mase sejam, (kejap nyeeee, tak puas), pastu nasihat-nasihat sikit (cite pasal Sallehudin al-Ayyubi yang think big, kite pun kene think big! Impikan benda yang besar-besar). Pastu amek gambo.. Kejap je, sejam dengan derang. 'Takde yang nak mintak autograph aku ke?' Hehe. Sejam je, takde bond sangat. Kalo setengah hari ye ade agaknye. Tapi ape pun, semoga korang semua berjaya =). Derang siap panggil aku Ustaz. Heh. Dengar ade yang panggil Amirah, Nadiah sume Ustazah jugak. Hehe. Bagus, bagus.
Malam tu pulak ada baca yasin dan solat hajat. Lepas tu ade majlis penyampaian cenderhati. Lepas tu makan. Lepas tu basuh pinggan. Heh. Tak gune punye Mun. Ko da janji nak datang basuh pinggan tapi tak datang! Huh. Tapi best ah basuh pinggan ramai-ramai. 'Ko kan suke basuh pinggan Jimin?'. Aku suke.. tapi tak pernah lagi basuh gune sistem orang. Hehe. Ade pakcik ni buat sistem tersendiri nak basuh beratus pinggan dengan gelas. Hehe. Amirah plak sebok 'Apsal ko yang basuh? Apsal ko yang basuh? (patutnye kiteorang yang basuh, kiteorang punye program..)'. Hehe. Ko rilek je. Zuhdi besemangat basuh sampai basah lencun kain dia. Dengan periuk² skali basuh. Periuk surau sebelah rumah aku pun tak pernah aku basuh. Hehe. Tapi bila da beramai-ramai basuh dengan kawan-kawan, sangat seronok. Benda yang banyak rasa sikit. Benda yang susah rasa senang. Alhamdulillah.. Time kasih la Nadiah, Amirah and their groupmate ajak aku =) Ajk surau plak da risik-risik 'Uish.. bagus derang basuh nih.. bulan puasa nanti boleh ajak derang tolong..' denga derang borak sesama sendiri. Aaaaa.. Aaaa.. Cemane Zuhdi? Terawih kat masjid ni lagi ke taun nih? Hehe.
Convest plak. Ada ape dengan Convest? Selain dari stall kat Convest Hill. Ada banyak benda, paintball tournament (kesian team pokok kalah kat quaterfinal..), ada medex (medical exhibition dak medic Kuantan buat) yang aku tak pegi pun.. Dulu mase kat matric lagi pernah pergi medex (acara wajib Convest tiap tahun). Same je kot. Ada futsal tournament. Ada Mock Trial. Aaaaa.. mock trial. Aku pergi. RM5 tiket. Last nengok mock trial mase final sem matric, husni (my rumet mase final sem) belakun jadik ape tah. Hehe. Best. Yang kali ni pun nengok cam best je. 'Driven' tajuk die, cerita pasal sorang dak skolah ni selalu kene buli, last-last die pegi bunuh pembuli tuh. Boleh tahan la, banyak kelemahan yet banyak jugak yang dasat-dasat. Lakonan bagus. Video pun vivid, bagus. Audience sume menjerit-jerit (of course la audience yang pempuan, laki ade jerit ke?) ketaksuban nengok best sangat kawan-kawan derang belakun kat main audi malam tuh. 'Ni bukan tempat orang tudung labuh la husen' cakap kat husen. Hehe. Dengan bailif dalam cite tu gedik jalan lenggang lenggok dengan skirt fit die. Witness pun ade yang terover gedik (which is watak die mmg macam tu, dan die berjaya bawak, buat orang menyampah + geram nengok die, memang power ah die belakon), tapi yang best witness-witness dia ada characteristic yang unik, ade yang bangga dengan diri sendiri, ada yang banyak cakap, ada yang yakin pada diri sendiri tapi hakikatnya tak betul. Kreatif. Bagus. Seperti biasa, memang penuh melampau ah main audi malam tu. Berebut-rebut orang masuk. Tiket habes jual rasa nya. Boleh ke engineering buat program macam nih? Yang orang berebut-rebut nak masuk? Boleh ke? Boleh ke? Boleh ke? Aaaa.. Aiman yang bayo kan tiket aku malam tu. Ingatkan aku RM 5 ko eh? Hehe.
by Prof. Dr. Waqar Asrar
Head of Mechanical Engineering Department, IIUM
from India
'This morning I went to a class, I saw the class very messy. The whiteboard was not white, it was grey. And rubbish all around the class. Then I told the students; 'One of the visions of the university is to be in international standard. Does this whiteboard show our internationalization? All the rubbish on the floor? International standard?'. 'No,' said the students. Then I ask my question, 'Who is the university?'. They did not answer. I said, 'It is not Prof. Dato' Dr. Syed Arabi Idid (the Rector) the university. It is not either Dato' Azmi (deputy Rector). They are PART of the university. You (students) and I (lecturers) are also PART of the university. So if we see these (rubbish on floor, and dirty whiteboard) what do we do? If WE CARE, we make a complaint, tell them (authority of university) that this (unwiped) whiteboard does not fit with our vision to be in international standard. Tell them! If we dont care, and we dont tell, who else? Do you expect that Dr Syed Arabi to come to the class to check wether it is clean or not? No! He has other things to do. It is WE that if we CARE, we can achieve the international standards..'. So I told them, 'Please make complaint..'
'And then I asked my second question, 'Who is Malaysia? Dato' Sri Abdullah (Ahmad) Badawi? All the cabinet ministers? How many of them in the minister line? 100? 75? 50? How many is the citizen of Malaysia? 25 million? Which matters most? If we see something not right and we dont care, and say 'tak apa lah..', what will happen? So, PLEASE CARE. That is my Merdeka Speech. Happy Merdeka (waving his hand to us)'.
Hehe. Budak-budak ni kat kelas tergelak lepas dengar speech dia (the fact that he IS a foreigner yet die bagi speech merdeka yang sangat-sangat terkesan dalam setiap antara kami). Die pun tergelak jugak tapi cakap 'No! I am serious! Please care!'. Dia da cakap pasal complaining ni da lame. Sejak mula-mula belajar dengan dia masa 2nd year dulu dia da galakkan student dia complaint klo ada apa-apa yang tak btol pada management, or anything. 'That is what the very nice box outside our office is used for (kotak komplen)' die selalu cakap. Since that memang aku akan komplen apa-apa yang aku rasa tak btol, macam sistem admin kat mahallah yang selalu nya kelam kabut time nak check in/check out. Aku pernah komplen ada staff yang tak mesra. Hehe. Betul benda yang Prof Waqar cakap nih, memang kita ada vision, tapi takkan la pemimpin nak tau semua benda. Memang wakil rakyat selalu ada vision nak memajukan kawasan dia, tapi takkan la dia nak pergi cek setiap satu inci kawasan dia. Kita sebagai penduduk (atau student, atau citizen) lah yang nampak apa yang berlaku di sekeliling kita. Kita tau apa yang tak btol. Kita bagitau lah pada authority. Baru la semua mission and vision bleh dicapai. Kerjasama. Cuma jangan komplen macam dalam lagu 'Negarakuku' da la. Tu kurang ajar. Kita komplen ikot channel yang proper. Bukan pergi surau, lepas solat lepak-lepak ngan ahli qaryah, kutuk-kutuk orang sana sini, ini tak betul, itu tak betul, lepas tu balik rumah tutup cerita. Tu bukan komplen. Komplen, kita salurkan pada jalan yang betul. Mesti ada reason and firm basis kenapa kita nak komplen. Contoh kat universiti, kalau tak puas hati atau nampak ada yang tak betul, file a complaint, sama-sama kita international kan universiti kita.
Cite pasal komplen la plak. Hehe. Tapi the point is, Please be Care. Kalau kita tak care, sape lagi yang nak care.
p/s - ada banyak lagi nak cerita, da siap tulis dalam PC kat bilik. Petang ni klo sempat, inshaAllah akan post. Nak balik muo ni esok! Baliiikkk!!! Baliiiikk!! He.
Jumaat, Ogos 24, 2007
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
Padan la takde orang gune pc nih. Tak leh bukak frenster kat pc ni, kene masukkan password admin. Hehe.
Baru balik dari seminar. Tadi seminar pasal safety and hazard precautions, orang dari SIRIM bagi talk. Sister, first time setelah 3 semester join seminar aku jumpe speaker seminar sister.
Banyak yang berlaku seminggu nih. Yang paling memberi kesan secara fizikal - hujan. Dasat hujan, subhanallah. Aritu siap ade dengan ribut sekali, pokok tumbang, CONVEST wording kat bukit kat Sumayyah pun tumbang; tinggal ONVES je. Hehe. Tiap-tiap pagi sejuk gile. Selalu nengok temperature kat alarm clock ade dalam 25 degree gak. Hari-hari macam tu. Sejuk wooo.. tidur pun pakai sweater. Talhah datang memang tepat pada masanya, sedap peluk time sejuk-sejuk nih. Hehe. Semalam nak demam da, sejuk. Selsema blom elok-elok lagi. Tak mandi pun pagi tadi - hazard precaution. Hehe.
Ape lagi eh?
Assignment GEN Dr Abdi reject. Isk. Tajuk asal aku 'Creating Ethical Environment in Engineering Firms'. Tajuk baru yang dia kasik - 'How Engineering Firms Create Condusive Ethical Environment'. Ya Allah.. ape beze antara due tajuk tuh? Aku nak je tanye 'Do you want me to just change my topic or you want me to do a whole new 5 page essay?' Tapi dia busy time tu melayan student lain yang mostly antara derang kene reject topic nya. Hehe. Dr Abdi.. Dr Abdi.. (or student actually.. student.. hehe). Skang ni nak wat ape? Ubah la sikit-sikit isik dalam tuh.. Hemmm.. Due Tuesday nih.
Salwa sakit. Ketiba-tibaan sume orang (geng-geng Salwa) sms aku mase aku tgh kelas GEN. 'jimin pinjam kete, urgent!!!'. 'Uih.. tak leh ar.. aku nak pakai nak balik bilik wat report aero, pastu kene g engine balik.. apsal nih?'. 'Salwa masuk hospital'. Petang tu kol 5 aku g HKL dengan Acap. Sakit perut luar biasa. Pucat muke Salwa. Sakit sangat kot. Tak pun da puas tahan sakit. Doc blom abes diagnos lagi sakit apa. Katenye kol 11 pagi tadi die buat ultrasound. Ape agaknye result die. Semoge cepat sembuh...
Balik dari HKL anto Acap g opening Convest kat Main Audi. Da kol 9.30 malam mase tu, tak start-start lagi pun aku nengok. Heh. Lepas anto Acap terus g Kaed, denga talk Tawheed Series, Final Episode: Influence of Tawheed in My Life. Speaker yang sangat-sangat aku suke: Bro Shah Kirit. Sampai-sampai je talk baru start (kelam kabut carik main audi Kaed. Mane nih? Mane? Sume tempat ramai orang kat Kaed nih. 'Uish malam-malam pun ramai orang, macam lagi ramai dari siang je'). Tak selesa sangat masa tu - Pagi tu tak mandi (sejuk woo) terus g klas, balik klas kol 1 sambung wa report aero yang blom siap buat sejak sampai kol 3 pagi malam tu, lepas tu g klas aero, present, kene bom dengan Prof Waqar (isk..), petang kol 4 (blom balik bilik lagi nih) g jumpe Madam Martinelli dengan Fana Mai Kak Aishah, nak tanye pasal 'Ape cite dengan Astronomy Club kami? (Madam memberi jaminan, untuk the next Syura bulan depan, Madam akan forwardkan proposal kami.. Alhamdulillah..), jumpe sampai kol 5, amek Acap kat engine, solat jap kat e0, terus g HKL, balik HKL singgah makan kat simpang (tak makan lunch hari tu), balik makan terus g Kaed.
Ngantuk gile. Dah la nota, pen sume tinggal dalam kete. Tak bawak ape pun g talk tuh. Kalo ade leh gak tules-tules. Mate da kecik, gagahkan jugak nak denga. Da la audience sume banyak foreigner (seperti biasa untuk Tawheed series 1 ngan 2 yang aku g pun, terasa macam aku sorang je Melayu lelaki. Isk. Tak nampak Melayu lain pun) takde sape yang boleh buat borak. Duduk sebelah mat salleh ni, bagi salam, senyum, lepas tu diam sampai abes talk. Heh. Shah Kirit buat lawak pun aku gelak sorang-sorang. Hehe.
Sangat suke bile Shah Kirit cakap pasal 'Tiny Steps' tu. Tapi skang tak sempat nak cite lah. Da kol 5, ade briefing EIT kat Main Audi. Lain kali cite, inshaAllah.
Aaa.. malam ni ada talk pasal Sallehudin al-Ayyubi, kol 9 malam, kat experimental hall. Jum g jum! Ajak kak aishah lagi lah. Bro shah kirit smalam ajak, die g. Dak2 laki jangan marah eh? aku selalu ajak korang asek tak nak je.. =p inshaAllah aku cube ajak korang lagi.. heheh
g dulu..
Rabu, Ogos 22, 2007
21 Ogos.. Ada apa dengan tarikh tu?
21 Ogos 1969 - seorang paderi Kristian Katolik dari Australia telah membakar Masjid al-Aqsa. Tentera Yahudi pula bersekongkol apabila menghalang laluan lori bomba yang dalam perjalanan untuk memadamkan api di masjid itu. Kebakaran itu telah mengakibatkan 1/3 daripada bangunan masjid musnah, termasuk Mimbar Sallehudin al-Ayyubi.
Kejadian itu membuatkan pemimpin² negara Islam bangun dan duduk berbincang. Ini membawa kepada penubuhan OIC bagi membela nasib penduduk Islam seluruh dunia.
Penubuhan OIC pula telah membawa kepada penubuhan UIAM pada tahun 1983.
Ahad, Ogos 19, 2007
Ustaz Hasrizal came to their house and the Datin said 'We are going to leave you three in the house so that my children will feel comfortable to ask you anything without their parents around. we will come back in one hour.'
So the girl is the first to meet Ustaz Hasrizal.
'So you're the holy man?' she asked.
'I know superman I know ultraman. But I dont know any holyman...' said ustaz. Hehe. 'I am just a normal person your mother call me hear to meet you,'.
'So what are you going to teach me today?'
'I am not going to teach you. I am here just to have a casual chat with you regarding any topic you want to talk about.'
'Okay, I have a lot of questions. My first question; what do you think about wearing scarf? I dont believe in wearing scarf and I will never wear it,' provocatively she asked.
Ustaz started to think. How should he react? Should he respond as an Ustaz? Telling her about many ayah that tell to cover the aurah? If he respond in this way, it will only satisfy the Ustaz and it will not do anything to the sister.'I cannot start with that question. Ask something else. I will come to that question later.'
'Oh? Okay. My second question; why do we have to pray? Five times a day! I am not going to spend my time five times a day to pray!'
'I cannot start with that question too. Ask some other question'
'Okay, my third question; whay cant we keep dogs at home?'
'Em.. I think that is also not going to be our first topic tonight..'
'So, what is going to be our first topic tonight!!'
'Let us discus about purpose of life. What is your purpose of life.'
'Is it important to discus about this topic? Neglecting about all questions just now?'
'Imagine you go to a stadium; Arsenal versus Selangor, for example. Everything is there; the players, the referees, the field is ready to start the game. Suddenly you find something missing - the goal pole. The where you shoot the goal. How are they going to play soccer when there is ni goal to shoot at? You are no familiar with socceR? What about playing golf? You just hit the golf ball without knowing where to shoot the ball to because there is no hole. You hit and follow the ball. Hit and follow, hit and follow and no end until you feel like you are G*olongan O*rang L*emah F*ikiran (GOLF)!'
She laughed.
'You might laugh tonight. But you are actually laughing to the majority of the people today whose life without goal or golf hole - no purpose of life.'
And then she asked, 'Okay, what is your purpose of life?'
'Do I have the answer? Do you have the answer? I think both of us have no answer. Because the answer to our purpose of life, had already being mentioned before we were born, and it has been mentioned by the One who created us - Allah. What is the purpose that Allah mentioned? 'And we (Allah) do not make human and jin except to worship us','
'If you accept that you need God in your life, then can I only answer why we need to pray,'
'If you accept that you need to pray because you need God in your life, then can I only answer why you need to wear scarf. Say an example; Agong invited you to the Istana to recieve the 'datuk'ship. And you have been asked to wear an all black baju Melayu suit to go there. Will you ever question that? No! You will not ask him why he asked you to wear such because you need him. You are the one who want that 'datuk'ship from him, you need him. Then you simply follow the rule of clothing that the Agong has decided.'
'For your third question; why cant we keep dogs at home. Have you ever heard any ayah from the Quran that says 'O ye who believe, when you see dogs, chase them away and hit them,' ? Any hadith about that? No! You can never found any ayah from the Quran and Hadith about hiting and chasing dogs away. The only ayah is about when any dog is licking your cup of water then you should wash that cup 6 times with water and one time with turab. So, when the society, Malay society hates dogs, it does not mean that the religion hates it too.'
The conversation last for one hour. Alhamdulillah, all three questions asked by the sister, were answered properly.
Ustaz Hasrizal
Back To Roots Campaign, AIKOL
It is not a myth!
'Indeed, in the stories of these men (stories of the prophets) there is a lesson for those who are endowed with insight' (27:111)
The word 'ibrah (lesson) in this verse is a connotation which means more than a 'lesson' but 'see ourselves in the stories' or 'connect ourselves to the stories'. It is not like we read the stories of the prophets and claimed that it only occured at their time, but, connect ourselves wihtin the stories.
-A simple metaphore of Prophat Muhammad's journey of Isra' and Mi'raj (a journey to Masjidil Aqsa in Palestine today from Makkah in Saudi Arabia and then journey from Masjidil Aqsa to Heaven both together in one single nigth);
Say you are a UIA student leaving inside in its Gombak Campus. One day, you ride your car from UIA to Carefour Wangsa Maju, which is a 15-minute journey, to buy some things. A housefly accidentally enters your car before you started the journey and toghether with you, go to Carefour Wangsa Maju. After buying everything you needed to buy, you return to the car, and the same housefly again, accidentally enters the car together with you. So both of you and the housefly arrive UIA safely. And the minute you open your car door to get out of it, the housefly flies to its home and make a very big surprise to its family and community.
'I have just came back from Carefour Wangsa Maju!' told the housefly.
'When did you go there?' asked the housefly community confused.
'Just about an hour ago...' the housfly said.
Do you think that the housefly community will believe the housefly? It would take 3 generations for housefly to go to Wangsa Maju from Gombak. The grandfather starts the journey from Gombak, proceeds by the father, then the son would be the one to arrive at Wangsa Maju! But still, our lucky housefly in this story had arrived Wangsa Maju and came back to Gombak in just one hour! It is because the housefly rode with a human car, a transport that is alien to housefly community, but it has happened.
In the story of the Prophet Muhammad, we all know that he rode 'buraq' (some scholars claimed buraq is one of the animals from Heaven, some others claimed it is one of the Malaikah). Since Buraq is a Malaikah, and Malaikah is made from light, can we imagine how the journey went? In the speed of light - a transportation that is still impossible for human, but, it has happened.
Solat: A Mi'raj for Mukmin.
Usually things that are free, we take them for granted.
Say this,It takes almost RM 10,000 for a Muslim to perform Hajj in Makkah.People even die during performing Hajj.It takes about only RM 80 for first timers to perform Solat (Songkok Raihan RM 23 or telekung from Indonesia RM 50, Sajjadah from Turkey RM 20 etc)Have you ever heard people die because of performing Solat? The only that we hear is that until people die, they dont pray.
Why Solat is the Pillar (tiang) of Deen?
Tudung? Christians believes in their religion, wearing hijjab is considered pious. There was one old woman, a patient in a hospital in Ireland. She was waken up by a Muslim Malay woman doctor who was wearing hijjab to take her blood pressure. 'Jesus Christ! Am I in heaven?' the old woman wondered. 'No, unfortunately you are still in the hospital' said the doctor. Apparently the old woman thought that the doctor was Mary because of her hijjab.
Songkok? Indonesians wear songkok, and yet enter the churhes all over Jakarta (they are Christians and wear songkok for culture)
Name? Tariq Aziz (Saddam's man). Looks like a Muslim name isn't it? Tariq Aziz was a Christian until his death though.
Muhammad had the chance to communicate to Allah through Isra' and Mi'raj and the amazing journey gave us also the chance to communicate to Allah - Solat.
Allah knows the things we need even before we know it. But, Allah loves our voices. The voice of a humble slave to its Master. So, speak to Allah, and pray. Allah is Al-Wahab.
We always make dua to Allah. But most of us, are subconcious of the dua. We simply make dua without knowning the meanings of the dua we are making. We dont even pay attention to the dua we make because we simply memorize it and didnt make any effort to understand it.
Some people refused to pray. What? What if Malaysia refused to make connection with a certain country. It means that Malaysia declare war on that certain country because of the disconnection. What if we refuse to make connection with Allah by solat. So it means we are declaring war to Allah. Wana'uzubillah.
Solat is done. What have you done?
Sometimes people claim that 'Ooo.. orang tu baik la, sebab die sembahyang..'. But otherwise, even people whoe are praying do at the same time, munkar.
There are 3 basic steps in every Ibadah. Say the ayah that prescribed sawm,
'O ye who believe, fast has been prescribed to you as it has been prescribed to people before you, may you all be pious.'
1. Input: Command based on faith ('O ye who believe..')
2. Process: the act of ibadah (' has been prescribed to you..')
3. Output: Taqwa ('..may you all be pious.')
If we have performed solat, but still we feel like there is something lack, there must be something wrong in the input or process.Input- To whom do we pray? When we are reciting niat for solat, do we really mean that we pray for Allah?
Process- below prescribed dosage. What if we take very low dosage of medicine when we sick? The effect of it will be slow or even will never give effect. Same like solat. We need to pray perfect 5 times a day, inshaAllah on time.
- knowledge about solat. improve the knowledge! How pity a 22 year-old muslim pray with the knowledge of a 12 year-old kid! You know, the knowledge of solat that we obtained from school, from primary school is the knowledge that was suitable for us when we were kids, like 10-12 years old. Now we are 22, there are a lot more things about solat that we need to learn. We upgraded our OS from Windows 98 to Windows XP now (or maybe Windows Vista). Solat? Have we upgraded our solat?
- wisdom. Sometimes, after obtaining knowledge of solat, we need to think and see the environment to apply our knowledge.
- reciting without understanding
- the humbleness during solat. How humble are we when we are performing solat? Muhammad always watch the vast sky before he perform his solat. Why? The sky is so vast, and can easily make human feel so tiny among other things in this universe. No matter how intelligent we are, there is still greater power that sustain the universe. Muhammad perform solat as a slave. We wish that we never pray like a master, but pray as a slave, a humble slave.
Solat as the Prophet did and feel.
Notes written from 'Isra' Mi'raj: A Day To Remember'
Talk by Ustaz Hasrizal
(studied in Jordan and had been staying in Ireland for almost 1 decade, now he is the Advisor at IJN)
16th August 2007
9.00 pm
Back To Roots Campaign, AIKOL
Ahad, Ogos 05, 2007
Apa yang tertules kat bawah nih.. adalah lebih kurang segala apa yang aku catat sepanjang conference tuh. Munkin ade yang terkurang, mintak maaf la, tapi ni je yg mampu aku share dengan semua.. =)
Unity for Peace
International Islamic Fair 2007: The Conference
28 - 29 July
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Session 1: Update on the Ummah
Moderator: Bro Yusri Mohamad
Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws
International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)
Paper 1: Iraq – Reality & Hope
Faieza Fadhil Al Obaidy
Vice President of Arab Women’s Association
- Tak paham ape. Paper is in Arabic. So as the presentation.
- The translation was only given yesterday (29 July). Belum sempat bace lagi…
Paper 2: Palestine & Israel’s Imperial Agenda
Imran Nazar Hosein
Islamic Studies of Muslim Organization of Greater New York
Imran Hosein ni orang yang kite nampak ketokohan pada dia. Yakin pada apa yang disampaikan with very good English with some humor. Berjaya membangkitkan dan membincangkan isu-isu yang sensitif.
- Quran explains everything
- Christians and Jews differ on certain view:
o Jews reject the son of Mary though they also believe that the Messiah will come
- ‘You have a PhD from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the foremost institute of tech in the world)? But if you internally blind, you’re just like a cattle’
- The mysterious link between Britain and the Holy Place would not be explained by typical political analysis.
- Who are controlling the world? ‘We control US’ Ariel Sharon once said not long ago. But then US is the ruling state of the world today. So, Israel?
- Gold? Is the price growing up? No! The price of ‘the paper’ is going down.
- ‘O you who have attained faith! Do not take the Jews and the Christians for your allies; they are but allies of one another (expected to have bad intention towards muslims)’ (51:4)
- Surah al-Kahfi teaches about men who gave up everything far faith
Paper 3: Darfur – What is Going On?
His Excellency Mahdi Ibrahim
Member of Parliament of Sudan
X-Sudanese Ambassador to US
Mahdi ni memberikan talk yang sangat-sangat informative (malangnya aku tak berapa nak dengar sebab isi-isi talk dia, boleh aku katakan terlalu politikal, aku tak faham sangat. Antaranya kisah-kisah yang dia ceritakan masa dia jadi duta dekat US.
- Sudan: 25 million km² = size of Eastern Europe.
- 7 million people.
- Focus on IDP caps (internally displaced person, I don’t know what it is)
- Millions of conflicts: farmers x nomads; between tribal (there are 573 ethnics) war over land, water.
- It is the longest African war – killed 2 million people, and made millions others in refuge.
Paper 4: Need for Unity among South East Asia (SEA) Muslims
Dr. Amir Farid Ishak
Activist in Interfaith NGOs in SEA
Memberikan gambaran terhadap keadaan muslim di seluruh Asia Tenggara dan menggalakkan menuju kearah perpaduan antara muslim Asia Tenggara.
- Mongol once conquered SEA in 13th century but they were too busy invading Europe that time, so Mongols in SEA were weak and were defeated by Madjapahit.
- Madjapahit was then under the sovereignty of Malacca.
- Territorial expansion by Malacca also brought together Islam.
- But now, only Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei remain Muslim countries where other countries in SEA are mainly Buddhist.
- Problems:
o Indonesia: secularization of uneducated poor Muslims.
o Malaysia: Disunity within Muslim groups; tension from non-Muslims; Malaysian youths embrace American popular culture while government tries to preserve Islamic practices
o Brunei: not much problem – Muslims are well-off in the rich state.
o Singapore: Muslims are minority – 14%, secularization of the Muslim life.
o Philippines: 4 million Muslims (5%), conflict with the government, officially had been 25 years, probably had been centuries.
o Thailand: 4 million Muslims, same like the Philippines.
o Cambodia: less then 4% Muslims. Many migrated to Malaysia.
o Myanmar: 4% Muslims
o Laos: just 400 Muslims.
o Vietnam: 66,000 Muslims.
- Non-Muslim scholars are more interested in us: many books on us.
- Muslim ummah in SEA is a potential formidable force if we cooperate and unite!
Paper 5: Acheh – 30 Months After
Fadlullah Wilmot
Country Director for Muslim Aid, Indonesia
He is an Australian, has been teaching in various schools in Indonesia and Malaysia, and speaks Malay fluently. He was the Personal Assistant to the IIUM’s Rector in 1990s. He is the father of Wardina Safiyya.
- Acheh is a continuous state of conflict for 150 years:
o 1873 – Dutch: 30 years of guerilla attack against the Dutch
o Soekarno
o Japan
- BUT!!! On 15 August 2005, an MoU was signed at Helsinki. What the heck?! What MoU? Peace is still not installed in Acheh until now.
- There are many reasons of the conflict in Acheh:
o Tsunami factor
o TNI (Tentera Negara Indonesia) factor
o Kalla (Jusof Kalla, the Indonesian Vice President) factor
- It costs Indonesia as much as USD 130 million per year for security operations in Acheh.
- Its just about Muslims hypocrisy.
- Muslims have to be critical: Muslims all over the world have been criticizing the conflict in Bosnia, Chechnya and Iraq. But Acheh? Why we kept silent on that?
- ‘Lets not be excited about symbols, but get excited about ideas’.
Session 2: Business, Economy & Finance
Moderator: Dr Ahamed Kameel Myden Meera
Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences
Paper 1: Gold Dinar – the Kelantan Experience
Nik Mahani Mohamaed
Pioneer of the Islamic Banking System in Malaysia
- Dinar is a Greek word ‘Denarias’.
- Why now? Alternative mode of investment
- We, the ummah today are ignorant!
- Usury (Riba’): Paper currency. Its Haram!
- Say an example: You want to buy a valuable thing. You buy it with a paper called money which is initially doesn’t have any value (it is us that give value by printing the figure at a paper). Is it just? We should buy the valuable thing with another thing that is also valuable, i.e., gold such as gold dinar.
- Minting issues: licensed pawn brokers.
- Gold dinar is daily-rated pricing based on market price for gold 916 carat.
- Minted at 1, ½, ¼ dinar.
- ‘Owning dinar is an investment’
Paper 2: Banking for the Poor
Dr. Asyraf Wajdi Dato’ Dusuki
Assoc. Professor
Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences
Was the best student in Economics in IIUM
- OIC members conquered the top 10 of the poorest country in the world with 60% - 80% poverty in 2006.
- Saudi Arabia, Kuwait & UAE’s GDP are totaled at USD 1.1 trillion in 2001.
- Many reasons why poor has been denied to access to banking list.
- Methods of microfinance:
o Workable poor will form a group
o The group will seek money from microfinance institution (MI)
o MI will provide training to the group.
o The group will pay progressive loan.
o Members within the group will asses each other
- Islamic microfinance; the source:
o Sadaqah, zakah, waqf, deposit
- The use:
o Charitable contracts (Ar-Rahnu) i.e. loan; participatory contracts (musharakah, mudharabah); exchange contracts (murabahah, ijarah); hybrid contracts.
Paper 3: Mobilizing Zakah Resources
Bro Alim Ali
I did not really pay attention during this paper presentation… (Its 3 o’clock in the afternoon! Sleepy… Hehe) This is the only point that I wrote down…
‘The Americans (the citizens, not the government) are the world’s most charitable people,’
These are the statistic;
- USD 1.8 billion for tsunami
- USD 73 million for Pakistani earthquake
- USD 3.12 billion for Catherina disaster
Paper 4: Islamic Products & Services – Serving Humanity
Dato’s Ma’amor bin Osman
Secretary General
Malaysian Muslim Consumers Association (PPIM)
- ISO was created by industrialists to niche the market.
- Good Muslims produce good products.
- ‘Blue Mosque Fraternity’ - gathering of Muslim entrepreneurs to share experience.
- Muslims should support Islamic banking instrument organized by Muslims.
- ‘We are what we eat’
Paper 5: In Search of the Perfect Islamic Products & Services Hub
Bro. Mohd Shukri Abdullah
Malaysia International Halal Showcase (MIHAS)
- Global market value for halal products: USD 2.1 trillion.
- We should build a platform among the OIC members:
o Proper infrastructure
o Economic & political stability
o Good governance
o Strong commitment to Islam and its principles.
Session 3: Human Relation, Media & Global Reach
Moderator: William Rodriguez
The Last Survivor of WTC 9/11
Saved hundreds of other victims since he held the master key of the North Tower
19 Years working at WTC before as a janitor
- He gave salam… is he a Muslim?
- National Security warned him when the first time he received an invitation to go to Malaysia last year ‘Don’t go to Malaysia! They’re gonna kill you!’
- ‘I have converted to Islam, it was last year’. Apparently, he recited the shahadah in front of Yusuf Estes inside a taxi in London.
- 9/11 has been used to criminalize Muslims all over the world for 6 years.
- ‘Bang!!!’ he heard a big bang from below the base as he was working at the basement that jumped him up. And that was actually BEFORE the first plane hit the tower. His testimony was never be included in 9/11 Commission Report though.
- That day he was late for work. If ever he was early, he would be at the top of the building during the explosion as he would be everyday before that.
- He was an atheist, but when helping the victims, he heard screams everywhere that made he said ‘God, please help me! I don’t know how to help these people!’.
- There are 5 master key holder of the building, 4 of them were the first to flee away, leaving William being the only master key holder during that hectic moment.
- He helped hundreds of victims, pulling them out of the building. Up to he was the last person to come out of the building alive. Everyone said ‘Get out of here! Don’t look back!’ and when he was running away from the building, he looked back, he saw the worst thing in his life – people jumping out of the building from 50, 60 storey, falling down, and bumped on the ground not far from him. He can even see their face on the ground, and knew some of them, but that time, their bodies were no more one each. Their bodies turned into pieces. Moments later, the building collapsed.
- He ran off below a fire truck, and he can feel the fire truck stroked down by the falling steel and bricks. He thought that was the end of his life.
- The firemen searched for the survivors immediately after the collapse and found William safely.
- The collapse of WTC did not only kill the people inside, it has also killed all the search dogs, and 62,000 people leaving nearby were ill due to the toxic dust from the rubble.
- Salvatore Giambanco, Felipe David, and some others have also survived, but all their testimonies were not included in the 9/11 Commission Report.
- ‘We owe the truth to them (the families of the victims)’.
Paper 2: Post 9/11 Exposures
Annie Machon
Former MI5 agent (British Intelligence)
‘She has the license to kill, no kidding!’ said William. It is true indeed. She was the British spy and has been one of the MI5 agents before she blew the whistle on MI5’s crime and incompetence that caused the lost of her ‘license to kill’.
- There are two groups of agents served for the British government; MI5 – deals with the internal espionage, and MI6 that deals with external affairs.
- She gave an example on what espionage is all about;
o Bombing in London 1994
o The British blamed two Palestinians (students studying engineering in London).
o But then, the MI5 was the one who responsible for the bombing.
o Why they did that? ‘They afraid that someday those Palestinians grew up and could harm the safety of Britain since they have the potential’ Annie mentioned.
o Those unfortunate Palestinians are still in prison up to this date.
- MI6 has even the license to kill abroad provided that they get approval from their political master. Just like in the movies. James Bond is not a fantasy.
- How did the three towers fall down freely by a plane crash? (There’s another tower besides the twin WTC, it was 47-storey building. It collapsed in 6.5 seconds).
- Civil Contingency Act – any minister can declare state of emergency in UK system.
- Put pressure to the media! To the politics! 9/11 should be re-opened.
- The victim’s family felt overheated, they want the truth!
- ‘You have to be an activist! You have to get involve (in re-opening of 9/11)’.
Paper 3: The New Media – A Welcomed Change
Khaleed Taha
Director of Technology, Al-Jazeera Network
Founder of English Channel Al-Jazeera
- Al-Jazeera
o Mubashir
o Ar-Riyadhah
o Mobile
o Al-Wathaqiyah
o Al-Jazeera
- Al-Jazeera
o School of thought
o Free and democratic media
o Fearless, believe in saying the truth for life
- We can capture, upload and share – SMS, MMS, blogs
- ‘You have the power to create something new!’
- ‘You ARE the new media!’
Paper 1: Depleted Uranium (DU) Project
Dr. Doug Rokke
Foremost DU expert of US Military
He was assigned to prepare the soldiers to respond to nuclear, biological and chemical warfare and sent to Gulf during the Gulf War. What he experienced has made him a passionate voice for peace. He became convinced DU was causing illness such as cancer, and that the Pentagon was downplaying its danger. When he went to public with his views, he was sacked.
- He was absent from the conference physically. He is sick, due to the DU, as William mentioned. But then tele-conference was made between KL and US.
- The phone call was not very clear.. Only two points that caught my attention:
o ‘Throw greed and power aside’
o ‘Live together in harmony’
Paper 4: Establishing Muslim World & GPOW Cooperation
Prof. Emeritus Dato’ Dr Khoo Kay Kim
Prominent Malaysian Thinker
* GPOW is Good People of the World. That is how some people refer non-Muslims to, GPOW.
Siapa yang tak kenal dengan Prof Khoo Kay Kim? Seorang tokoh pemikiran negara, penganalisis segala bidang – penyatuan kaum, politik, sukan, sosial dan kebudayaan dan sebagainya. He is one of the co-authors of Rukun Negara. He was the one who launched the first sports degree academic program in Malaysia during 95/96 academic session at University of Malaya. He is also a prolific writer and has published 205 items in period 1963 to 1998.
- Malaysians are like eagles that think they are turtles.
- Since ’57, each ethnic group try to maintain each culture
- Non-Muslims in Malaysia do not know about Islam, because Muslims in Malaysia do not have the feel of obligation to explain to them what Islam is.
- 1913 – ‘A Malay must be a Muslim’ a statement of constitution created by British administration that has already exist since 1913.
- ‘Malays must take the lead!’
o ‘Every Muslim must by obligation, a mubaligh!’ (imagine, Prof Khoo, a Chinese GPOW urged Muslims to be a mubaligh. Aren’t we feeling like to be one (mubaligh)? )
- 1826 – British administration never allows Christian missionaries to preach Christianity to Muslims in the Strait settlement.
- Scholars, universities should be more involved in telling the public what Islam is.
- ‘There is a need to make Islam clearer to other people’.
Paper 5: Dreaming of Global Peace
Datuk Mukhriz bin Tun Mahathir
Coordinator of PEACE Malaysia
- Mile of Death 1991, Iraq. A place where thousands of Iraqi refugees were killed along a highway by an air strike
- USS Lincoln the aircraft carrier, carries 90 aircraft. Total up worth USD 4.5 billion.
- War means willful killing.
Session 4: Community, Arts & Education
Moderator: Dato’ Mustapha Ma
President of Macma
For this particular session, I was not taking down notes.
Paper 1: Revolutionizing Islamic Entertainment
Farihin Abdul Fatah
Founder of Raihan the nasyid group
Paper 4: Socio-Political Awareness – Key to Survival
Dr. Abidullah Ghazi
Specialist in Islamic Studies & Comparative Religion
Paper 3: Towards Well Rounded Islamic Education
Dr. Tasneem Ghazi
Dr. Abidullah’s wife
Together with her husband have a life-long commitment to write, develop and produce Islamic educational material and quality textbooks at various levels.
- ‘Ta’lim never comes alone. It comes with tarbiyyah’
Paper 5: Muslim View Magazines – Anyone?
Rafay Faruqi
IT experts
Paper 2: Islam, Beyond the Difference
Yusuf Estes!!!
International Islam Preacher
Yusuf Estes. First time I know him from Firs about a year ago when he showed me a video of Yusuf’s talk at India which he got from his friend. First time watch him talking about Islam, I was impressed by his humor and entertaining way of conveying the message of Islam. Yusuf’s many websites make it easy to share Islam. Alhamdulillah I have almost 2 gigabyte-size of hundreds collection of his videos. People in mahallahs in IIUM can easily access to my computer, //jimin in Mshome network and all the videos are under ‘Ceramah Collection’ -> ‘Yusuf Estes’, while people in IIUM without LAN connection may feel free to contact me and ask for the videos. ‘Sharing is Caring’. Sheikh Yusuf Estes is also known around the world on local cable and satellite TV stations like: Islam Channel in the UK, Voice of Islam in New Zealand, and Peace TV with Dr Zakir Naik in India, Huda TV in the Arab world and even on Saudi Airlines in flight programming.
It was a video conferencing between us and Sheikh Yusuf from his house in Washington. He could not attend here with us because ‘something happened to his house’ (that was what I heard from him during the video conference. It might not be true, because the connection of the video conference was not very clear).
- Islam contains ‘salam’ in it
- Salam means
o Surrender
o Submission
o Obey
o Sincerity
o Peace
- If we want to achieve peace, we have to establish peace first with Allah in our heart.
- To achieve that, we have to read and explore the book of Allah.
- ‘Come together only on truth’.
- Unity can only be unity when it first unity with God.
‘Tell me, I might forget. Show me, I might remember. Involve me, then I will remember’
Dato’ Mustapha Ma
‘There was a man driving his car in a rural place one night. Suddenly his car broke down. He did not know what to do. There was no one there. Fortunately, a car passed by and the driver saw him at the side of the road. So, the stranger stopped by. ‘Please help me, my car broke down,’. ‘Oh, don’t worry, I will help you, I am a mechanic,’ said the stranger. So the stranger looked at the engine. Then he asked the man, ‘Do you have a hammer?’. ‘Yes I do!’. The man gave the mechanic the hammer. ‘Bang!!’. The mechanic then hammered one part of the engine and immediately asked the man to try starting the engine. Amazingly, the engine started.
‘Thank you sooo much!’ thanked the man to the mechanic, ‘How much should I pay you?’.
‘Oh, not much. Its only RM 100,’.
‘RM 100?? Well, that IS much. You had just hammered my engine. And that was only one simple hammering and you charge me RM 100 for that?!’.
‘Oh? That hammering? The hammering is very cheap, I only charge RM 1 for that. But to know exactly where to hammer, I charge you RM 99.. =)’.
End of story.
The conference has provided us the RM 1 part. The RM 99 part, it is up to us. We have to get involve, and act accordingly to apply all things that we have from the conference.’
Shah Kirit Govindji
Program Manager
IIF 2007 Conference
The resolution of the conference:
‘It is time for action!’
Rabu, Ogos 01, 2007
Dato' Mustafa Ma
President of Malaysian Chinese Muslim Association
On his comment during moderating Session 4
of the
International Islamic Fair 2007: The Conference
PWTC, Kuala Lumpur
More of this, and many others. Soon. InshaAllah.